SCP had written the entry about going to Hawaii It is presumed that because he specified a time that will end upon his demise, he will never wake up from SCP2260 Testing has been done on his vitals while in the comatose state SCP2260 keeps all brain activity normal, and appears to regulate heart beat and other vital organsSCP226 is a cardboard box, measuring roughly 30 cm x cm x 4 cm It has a lid that fits securely over the bottom half, as with any common puzzle box The surface of the box is a deep black, with the word "fear" scrawled with white ink on the upperright corner of its lid Within the box are 1,000 cardboard puzzle pieces, each measuringЗа период, пока SCP2265 был активен, ни у SCP2265A, ни у SCP2265B не наблюдались признаки старения во всех итерациях петли SCP2265A и SCP2265B не подозревали о какихлибо изменениях в обстановке за пределами SCP2265, воспринимая окружение как неотличимое от обстановки в момент

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Scp-2265 andrewとの夕食
Scp-2265 andrewとの夕食-Scp3043 Мёрфи Закон в деле, или Введите 3043, ЧТОБЫ СОВЕРШИТЬ РАСПРАВУ!The King would like to see youSCP2264 was written by MetaphysicianHost Jon GrilzNarrator Pacific S ObadiahHenry Percy Karim KronfliDr Calixto Nar

Scp 2264 Scp Foundation
Scp 2265 No items could enter or exit the time loop, including SCP2265A and SCP2265B SCP2266 For the World to Dictate Her Death;SCP2265, an anomalous restaurant that trapped two history professors in a two hour time loop for twenty years, with one of them completely aware of its effects Horrifying, right? SCP303 cannot kill anything This makes it a support SCP, and requires the SCPs to use teamwork It would work well as a scout and as a gap closer, adding some strategy to the SCP team rather than simple point and kill SCP303 would not be able to plant itself in its own cargo door, and one way doorways (announcements, nuke room, etc,) would
Scpjp 二重の故郷 人間型 地球外 服 未収容 異次元 自我 財団製 通信 SCP2265 Andrewとの夕食 2 0 このオブジェクトは、ルール上Euclidサンドボックスに収容される。このオブジェクトはクロステストすることができない。 ①自分のターン終了時に発現する。Záznam fiktivní nadace SCP SCP2264 je portál do jiného světa Naprosto jiného od toho našeho, plného stvoření z jiných částí reality Avšak, cosi temného sSCP6 A human figure completely covered in various insects such as bees or centipedes The cross section of a coffin buried in dirt, with a person inside slamming her fists on inside of the lid When completed and taken back apart, the lid of SCP226's box will fly through the air and secure itself back on the lower half
SCP2265 was a localized two hour time loop affecting a twentysquare meter area of Mario's, a defunct Italian restaurant located in , California SCP2265 was impermeable and selfcontaining; 特別収容プロトコル SCP2265JPの周囲3kmには民間人による侵入がなされないように監視が行われ、常に警備員が2名以上駐留します。 説明 SCP2265JPは長野県 市に存在する、放棄された日本生類創研の研究施設を中心に発生している km 2 の異常領域です。SCP is held onsite in standard humanoid containment suite and is tagged with GPS monitoring tags When new instances of SCP are activated, SCP is to be located as soon as possible and brought under control Affected individuals exposed to SCP and/or SCP are to be given ClassC Amnestics and released

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Http//scpwikiwikidotcom/scp2265 "SCP2265 was a localized two hour time loop affecting a twentysquare meter area of Mario's, a defunct ItalianItem # SCP225 Object Class Euclid Special Containment Procedures SCP2251 is contained at Site65 for study and experimentation No guards are necessary for the object itself, as theft is impossible and the object is harmless for the moment Ongoing tests are to be made to find a way to eliminate SCP2251, or at least to find a way to moveDescription SCP2264A is a door composed of iron located within a hidden chamber beneath Martin Tower, a part of the Tower of London 1 The gateway cannot be unlocked through traditional means, requiring a highly ritualized process Attached to SCP2264A is a complex apparatus composed of alchemical tools such as alembics, retorts, and a crucible

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SCP3078 Щитпостинг с опасностью восприятия SCP3095 Слово дня — ПтицаExcept that said professor managed to accept his fate and tried to live his life in the time loop And then it stopped completely, freeing them both説明 scp2265は、カリフォルニア州 にある、閉店したイタリアンレストランマリオとその周囲平方メートルに影響を与える、二時間分の局所的な時間ループです。 scp2265は、不浸透性と自己含有性を持ちます。scp2265aとscp2265b含めどのような物品もこの時間ループに導入、また除去

Scp 재단 음울한 평가에 휩싸인 작품들의 미래 그곳엔 오직 그림뿐

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Ningún objeto podía entrar o salir del bucle temporal, incluyendo SCP2265A y SCP2265B ループ euclid scp 人間型 敵対的 時間 武器 知識 自律 17 SCP2265 Andrewとの夕食 observerseptember neutralized ループ euclid neutralized scp 建造物 時間 48 SCP2322 シャーリー・ガレスピーが如く roget euclid ループ ポータル euclid scp 建造物 擬態 未来予知 ガレス SCP226恐惧拼图 项目编号SCP226 项目等级Safe 特殊收容措施SCP226被保存于一个位于Site 的物品保管单位(Secure Item Storage unit)的上锁的柜子内。任何希望使用SCP226的人必须获得任一至少具有3级权限的人的批准。

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Instancje SCP z powodzeniem pełnią swoje funkcje wbrew licznych spodziewanych niezgodności biologicznych, chemicznych i medycznych Kiedy znajdą się wewnątrz organizmu sąsiadujące tkanki i żyły przylegną do imitowanych organów bez widocznych powikłańObjet no SCP2265 Classe Neutralisé (anciennement Euclide) Procédures de Confinement Spéciales Depuis le 24 octobre 11, SCP2265 est considéré comme étant neutralisé Il a été jugé que les phénomènes anormaux dans l'ancienne zone de confinement avaient cessé, et il a été approuvé que la zone soit rénovée, puis vendue à des investisseurs本家記事 http//wwwscpwikinet/scp2265翻訳記事 http//scpjpwikidotcom/scp2265作者 ObserverSeptemberSCP財団 http//scpjpwikidotcom 何度も繰り返す時間の中で

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